Sunday 19 February 2017

Debunking the Myth - Fashion is for fools, Beauty is for Buffoons

I recently heard a story regarding 911 that had been entirely unknown to me. When the twin towers were hit, the majority of journalists who were close to the scene and therefore able to report on the horrific mayhem, were those in the city for New York Fashion Week, The Fashion journalists.

These were not trained professionals used to reporting in combat areas and yet their reporting remains at the fulcrum of piecing together an accurate account of the events.

I recently stumbled across an interview with UK journalist and beauty expert Sali Hughes, describing the unfair scrutiny women (particularly those who make it their profession) who dare to have an interest in beauty or fashion face. To many these are viewed as vacuous and trivial pursuits and only the interests of a person who is shallow and of no intelligence.

This is a topic I feel particularly strongly about, as it is something I have experienced first hand as someone who has had a keen interest in fashion for as long as I can remember. My most poignant memory is sitting in my careers advisor’s office and sighting fashion as an interest for the future, to which I was told ‘clever girls can do more than fashion.’

I find this assertion quite frankly ludicrous and parochial, why is it that a man can be interested in football or formula one and never have his intellect questioned? But if a woman dares to have a love of makeup or clothes she must therefore be unintelligent and vain.

Amongst the various web pages I looked at whilst researching for this post I stumbled across a story that to me is a clear example of the value of beauty and fashion. It relayed a story from the end World War Two when some Swedish nurses came to rescue of the women still remaining in concentration camps. Amongst their bundles of basic toiletries they were each given was a lipstick. Surely this is testament to the cheering and uplifting power and worth in fashion and beauty.