Monday 18 April 2016

Let's Talk About The Resting Bitch Face

RBF or Resting Bitch Face as it is also known has plagued me my entire life.

I must clarify I am a happy person, I would even go as far as to say I am a nice person and yet the unfortunate fact that my natural expression happens to be one of apparent coldness and bitchiness often means people think I am rude or arrogant.

The fact of the matter is, I suffer from the unfortunate problem of the resting bitch face - a term used to describe a facial expression which (subconsciously and unintentionally) looks pissed off, grumpy, often superior, judgemental and irritated with anything and everything.

It may sound like some-what of a myth made up by grumpy faced girls - but the concept of the RBF has in fact been studied and explored by psychologists. Studies have revealed that the RBF facial expression can affect and influence human interpretations of that particular individual, making them appear untrustworthy, and a person of poor judgement and decision making.

I have experienced several incidents in which people have remarked on my RBF here are a few of my favourites:

'Do you EVER smile'

'Why do you always look so miserable'

'Who's died'

And my personal favourite

(From a complete stranger) 'I've seen you in here the past two days and this is the first time I've ever seen you smile.'

Just like the Free the Nipple movement I call for a Free the RBF movement. Lets no longer judge women for their lack of smiles but celebrate when they do smile.

                                                                           Peace out


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