Monday 16 May 2016

Mistakes You Might Be Making In The Shower

A shower is an everyday habit and yet there may be several mistakes you are making during this routine activity.

  • Showering Too Often

According to recent studies, having more than one shower a day, for a time period of more than 10 minutes, can actually lead to the skin becoming parched and as a result looking dull flaky and dry. 
  • Not Letting Your Razor Dry
Razors can be the perfect environment for bacteria to spread, this can be dangerous if you cut yourself whilst shaving as it could lead to infection. To help prevent this and mold and rust on your blades, store the razor outside of the shower, as it is the humidity of the shower that is often the cause of these problems. 

Furthermore don't forget that razors should be replaced fairly frequently - it really depends on how often you use it but approximately every 3-6 weeks. 
  • Not Properly Rinsing
It may seem fairly obvious but it really is important to make sure when you wash your hair the shampoo is thoroughly rinsed out. Not properly rinsing can damage both your scalp and hair.

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