Wednesday 19 November 2014

To tan, or not to tan: that is the question

I like many girls would be lying if I said I'd never had a fake tan disaster.

In fact I think it would be accurate to say, the majority of times I fake tan I wonder if it might have been better not to have bothered at all... I wouldn't have been so patchy and orange and my sheets wouldn't be covered in strange biscuit smelling marks.

I would include myself in the category of women who feel more confident and attractive with a tan or shall we call it 'a summer glow.'

However, when it comes down to the truth do we really look better with a faux tan? Or should we not have bothered and embrace our skin tone au naturel? 

I asked 10 of my friends for their views on fake tanning and their answers were very interesting. 

The 5 male (lets call them subjects) responded with the same view that they all love a girl with a bit of a tan...however if it's obvious that it's fake (the tell-tale streaks, or pale face vs dark body) don't expect compliments.

The 5 girls all agreed that at the end of the day, no matter how good you are at fake tanning, nothing beats the real thing.

General consensus: Less is more.
 If you are going to fake tan, then make sure it's not too different from your real skin tone, because you're really not fooling anyone.

I don't think I will ever give up the bottle (fake tan) as there's nothing like going to bed with the complexion of someone who has never seen the sun and waking up with the glow of Gisele.

What do you think? To tan or not to tan?

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