Tuesday 11 November 2014

Cranial Osteopathy... an alternative way to deal with stress?

                                                image via: http://www.osteo2you.co.uk/

I recently went to see an Osteopath as an alternative option to help deal with anxiety and stress.

Firstly you may wonder- what exactly is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a form of treatment which analyses your posture and the functioning of your body. Osteopaths intend to restore the body to state of emotional and physical well-being and balance.

When I saw the Osteopath he began by asking me a series of questions. Some general health queries, but others were far more personal, as he wanted to gain a full understanding of my anxieties and worries.

After we had finished speaking he then began to address my body, analysing my spine, pelvis and neck.

I found it fascinating that so much can be told about a person's emotional well-being by their physical form.

He began by clicking my spine back into the correct position, because as it turned out I was out of alignment. I actually rather enjoyed it and it brought some relief to the tension in my shoulders.

Next he moved onto the Cranial work. Cranial osteopathy is a unique type of treatment, (and is often given to babies!) it helps release the stresses and tensions of the body through the manipulation of certain areas over the body, in particular the head.

My verdict?

Overall I found the experience fascinating and calming definitely worth trying out however for the whopping price of £70 it's not something I will do regularly, however I do feel it perhaps is more beneficial the more times you receive it.

Have you tried it out? Let me know

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