Monday 20 April 2015

Current Dream Skin Care Routine

Spring is finally and firmly here – and in this heat, it’s all about a clear, light and hydrated base.

As a product junkie I think it's fair to say I have tried a plethora of skin care products.

I have imported products from abroad, got prescription face creams, expensive, inexperiesve natural and unnatural. 

I think my worst habit is thinking that every product that sounds good/ gets good reviews therefore will work for me. It has taken me a while to really know my skin, it's type and what works for it. 

I can finally say I have found a skin regime that 1) Is affordable 2) actually works and 3) I'm happy with

So here it is....

I rinse my face under some cold water and then massage 1-2 pumps of Cetaphil all over my face.

I absolutely love this product, it is simple and gentle in formula so it never leaves my skin feeling tight or overly moisturised. It also happens to have quite a celebrity following with the likes of; Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian admitting that they're avid fans.

As a light sort of exfoliation, I remove the product with a warm damp flannel and then pat my face dry.

Afterwards I apply a small amount of LA ROCHE-POSAY Serozinc toner either on a cotton pads or spritzed all over.

The mist contains a mixture of zinc sulfate, sodium chloride and spring water and when applied the skin helps refine your pores, combat shine and even reduce blemishes.

Since using this skin care routine day and night for about 4 months, there has been a drastic improvement in my skin. Blemishes come less frequently and my skins texture has also become more even.

It's taken 19 years, but I think I've finally found my Holy Grail Skin Care Routine.


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