Monday 8 June 2015

Why You Should Add Olive Oil To Your Bath

I have to admit having a bath is one of my favourite ways to spend a Sunday evening.  There is nothing quite like it, true bliss.

I like to add all sorts of different bath foams, bath bombs and oils, but my most recent discovery has been using olive oil in my bath.

I came across this idea when I read an article that mentioned Italian Beauty Sophia Loren admits to using olive oil in her bath, as part of her beauty routine. Side note, how gorgeous is she?! If it's good enough for Ms Loren, then it's defiantly worth trying it out.

Adding Olive Oil to your bath is in fact an ancient tradition, believed to have been used as a Roman custom, as part of their bathing ritual. The bather would rub the olive oil all over the body, as a substitute for soap, to cleanse their skin and then proceed to scrape off the dirt with a tool called a strigil. After they has finished they would remain in the bath a while longer, allowing any left over oil to soak into the skin.

Simply add a few teaspoons to your bath and follow with a bath product of your choice.

Since adding the olive oil to my bath routine, I have found my skin no longer feels tight or dry but is left feeling soothed, nourished and hydrated.


                                       imaged sourced from:

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