Monday 5 October 2015

Stay Away From Sun-In

I've always thought one of the huge benefits of living in today's society are the opportunities to communicate and share your thoughts  and feelings within a click of a button.

It allows anyone anywhere to have their voice heard and this is particularly important when it comes to the world of beauty as products differ from person to person.

Years ago I used to obsessed with being blonde - for a long time I associated beauty with being blonde, I could go into a more psychoanalytic explanation about how Barbie is dictating that to be beautiful you must be 6 foot tall and have a 19 inch waist and the catastrophic impact this has on young girls and their perception of what is socially deemed as attractive... but I will spare you from this.

A friend of mine has near white hair and has never even dyed it she told me her secret was Sun-In, I was elateld with joy finally a solution that would give me blonde hair without having to dye it so I rushed down to the local boots to buy it.

Sun-In contains a bleach which is activated by heat, be in sitting in the sun or using a hair dryer - After using it my lovely soft brown hair turned brittle, dry and an awful coppery ginger colour, not quite the warm caramel blonde I had hoped.

I immediately went to the Hairdressers desperate to get my hair back but they said there was nothing they could do. I was distraught, my only option was to grow it out, which I did but  it took 2 long ginger years.

Hairdressers would also sometimes refuse to dye my hair as they didn't want to be responsible for the damage I had inflicted upon my hair.

I hope this slightly ranty post has convinced you to stay away from the dreaded Sun-In for good.


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