Monday 15 February 2016

Does Chewing Gum Really Have Health and Beauty Benefits?

I adore gum, it instantly refreshens your breath which is why it can always be found in my bag.

However what about the supposed 'benefits' to Chewing Gum?

1) Chewing Gum has been claimed to help reduce symptoms of stress

Various psychologists and psychiatrists have claimed that chewing gum can in fact reduce tension and help encourage the release of nervous energy through the consistent chewing motion.

2) Chewing Gum can improve digestion

Some scientists have commented that the motion of chewing encourages saliva flow, which in turn results in frequent swallowing, aiding the prevention of the reflux of acid from the stomach back into the throat.

3) Chewing Gum to help control weight

According to certain studies, owing to the low calorie value of a piece of gum, adults who regularly chewed gum were more likely to consume less calories via snacks than those who didn't. It has also been claimed that the action of chewing itself can burn roughly 11 calories per hour, as well as being beneficial to those who want to exercise their jaw to get rid of a double chin.

4) Chewing Gum can help improve oral health

It is clearly advertised on many packets of gum that it freshens breath, reduces plaque and can even whiten teeth, however what about genuine health benefits? Some research shows that through the encouragement of saliva that comes from chewing gum it  can help flush out various food debris, such as the key damaging sugar and other decay-causing substances remaining in your mouth after eating.

So what do you think? Convinced by any of these claims?


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