Monday 25 May 2015

Bio Oil Benefits

In the Summer of 2014 I was rushed into hospital for appendicitis, this was extremely inconvenient as I was suppose to be sitting my A Levels 10 days later.

It may sound vain, trivial and frivolous but I once I had had the operation I was particularly anxious to see my scarred stomach. In fact when I first woke up in my post anaesthetic delirium the first words I uttered to the post operative care unit was 'so much for my summer body' and then expressed my annoyance that I had missed the archers.

My point is, I was very hesitant to see what the scarring would be like, as all I had as comparison was my Dad's appendix scar, a huge prominent slash in his stomach, which he has had for over 30 years. Medicine really has come along great lengths, because I left the hospital with 3 small horizontal scars very neatly positioned.

Anyway getting to the point there has been one product that I consider just as responsible as the surgeon for the neatness of my scar and that is Bio Oil.

Expensive but SOSO worth it. Bio Oil has a plethora of benefits for the skin.
Some of which are:

  • Helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone
  • Great for Ageing Skin and severely Dehydrated

Bio Oil's advanced formulation includes a PurCellin Oil, Vitamin A & E, Calendular Oil, Lavender Oil, Chamomile Oil and Rosemary Oil. It's non-comedogenic and hyper-allergenic and therefore is suitable of even the most sensitive of skin.

I have been using this for several months applied on everything, from acne scars, stretch marks, healing scars and dry skin and I have really noticed  a difference in my skin.

Don't just take my word for it. Try it out!


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