Monday 24 August 2015

The Importance of Exfoliation

I would be lying if I said that I have a religious exfoliation routine - because in truth who has the time/ can be bothered.

But exfoliation has a plethora of benefits and should be, if at all possible, introduced into your weekly routine.

Some of these benefits include:

1. Getting rid of Dead skin cells - as we age our natural ability for cell turnover and shedding dead skin cells slows downs - through exfoliation you can get rid of any dead skin cells that may be clogging up your pores resulting in breakouts. 

2. Exfoliation actually leads to smoother, and brighter skin - as it encourages the external dermal layers of the skin to regenerate, revealing fresh new and smoother skin.

3. Smoother Shave and a Better Tan - we've been told again and again that exfoliating is crucial for a closer shave and a long lasting tan - but why is this? Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells on the surface layer of skin leaving soft smoothe new skin to shave and skin that will hold your tan a lot longer  than if you didn't exfoliate.

4. Exfoliation is crucial when dealing with ingrown hairs, as it allows the hair to break through the skin.

5. Exfoliation is actually very beneficial to the health, as it increases the blood circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system which in turn encourages cell turnover, helps break down fatty tissue and drains out toxins from the skin.

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